Wedding and Update


Posted by Allison | Posted in | Posted on 1:51 PM

Wow, I can't believe Roger and I are getting married in less than 2 weeks! So exciting! I can't wait to see everyone too!

Stuff is going good here in AL, finally! I am going to start teaching art classes in January through the Huntsville Art League, that should be fun. I am working on putting a portfolio together in the meantime and doing wedding related stuff. Roger is working a lot, I am sure he needs this Amsterdam vacation more than I do. It'll be good for both of us to get away for a while though; especially somewhere where we can get high and get laid by some hookers!! J/k. But for real, we're looking at hotels like a minute away from the red light district, lol.

We are going to be taking tons of pictures, so stay tuned for that, we're bring an estimated 4 cameras along.

What are everyone's Halloween plans? We're going to Louisville to see Mark and Joanna's new house. We're all dressing up, so look for pictures of that too. What is everyone dressing up as for Halloween?

The cutest mushroom ever


Posted by mem | Posted in | Posted on 3:24 PM

Enough said.

This kid rocks


Posted by James | Posted in | Posted on 10:18 PM
enjoy :)

Mandatory Status Update!


Posted by Roger | Posted in | Posted on 8:08 PM

I demand that all of you give me an account of your personal lives! STAT!

As for me, not too much going on, lots of work and planning for our honeymoon and stuff. James stopped by for the weekend. That was fun :D. Work is the same as usual but I might have to work overtime this week in order to appease the people at the top of the food chain.

On a note of general observation, FALL IS HERE! Allison and I are really excited about it, and have turned off the air conditioning and opened the windows in order to fully appreciate the weather. Also, does anyone know what happened to all the pumpkins!? Allison managed to scrounge up a few cans for us, but she had to wrestle an old lady to get them. I'm serious too, they were in a mud ring and everything, it was actually kinda creepy. I didn't even know that Publix had a mud pit. But hey, you learn something new every day.

Well, that's all I have for now, just a short how the heck are ya. So post up!

Racquetball, again


Posted by Allison | Posted in | Posted on 8:59 PM

Well, not much new with me. No grad school so I am just sitting around. I am doing some craft type stuff, it's hard to get motivated though when I don't have much of a reason to get up in the mornings, it sucks but I am not complaining-- I waited 4+ years for this!

In other news, Bermuda had a sort of seizure the other night, scared us to death but she's perfectly fine now, it was just an isolated event the vet said. It was weird. I wrote about it in my other blog Linen.

Well I have been taking some racquetball classes as of late and going to my league once a week and it has been so much fun. Tonight though I played against my coach and the first game I got 13 but it was close the whole game and the second game I beat him! YAY! Huge accomplishment for me. Although he sure made me work for it! Anyhow, I think I am finally ready to take you guys on!

Glad grad schools are all going well, I hope the rest of the semester goes well too with all the research stuff and I can't wait to see you all at my wedding!

More Grad School!


Posted by Jami Couch | Posted in | Posted on 1:42 PM

Right. So, after two weeks, I can say that I'm loving grad school. So far, we've gotten free lunch almost every day, and lots of free time to hang out in the GS/MS student lounge (which, by the way, has ping-pong, pool, foosball, and air-hockey). We've been getting free lunches because each program gets one day to introduce us to their research and whatnot, and they feed us. (Also, there is usually beer and some kind of dessert). We have another entire week of this. It's awesome.

There is some really cool research going on, so I've had a couple post-food afternoon meetings with professors to talk about their research and potential rotation projects. I have several more this week, so that's exciting. Also, there's this bar in Nashville called "Flying Saucer" that has, seriously, over 200 different types of beer. We were just there last night and we're going again on Monday.

Also, just FYI, there may have been some karaoke in there somewhere...

Grad School!


Posted by Jami Couch | Posted in | Posted on 6:16 PM

Hey guys, long time, no post. Anyway, orientation for my program at Vandy was yesterday and today. I guess just as a change of pace for them, we met at the zoo yesterday, actually. During some free time we all went and saw the elephants and of the giraffes was licking a tree. I'm not sure what that's about. Basically yesterday was about what we should expect in terms of classwork and overall experiences, although they can't be too specific about lab rotations and such because it varies so much between labs.

Today all the program directors introduced their programs (by which I mean they reminisced about their grad school orientation). Then we spent the rest of the morning getting our ID's and parking passes. Since most people went for the ID first, a few of us got the bright idea to try to get our parking passes and skip the ID line for later. As it turns out, you need your ID to get a parking pass, so we ended up in the very back of the ID line. Good times. They budgeted way too much time for that, though, so we managed to get everything done, eat lunch, and play pool in the student lounge for like an hour. By the way, Indian food is kinda tasty...there's a buffet across the street from campus. More importantly, I met a couple people that play racquetball, which is exciting.

One thing that is really crazy is that the students are from all over. There are probably more international students that students from Tennessee. For example, my conversation with a girl on the shuttle to the parking lot went something like this:

"Where are you from?"
"New Hampshire"
"How long did it take you to get here?"
"Twelve hours the first day and eight the second."
"Holy crap!"

And so on.

So I guess James and Mary Ellen are starting at their respective schools pretty soon, I can't wait to hear about it. We have a bunch of safety training tomorrow then we start class Thursday, so it's getting to be that time.

Barack's Stomping Grounds


Posted by Allison | Posted in | Posted on 5:59 PM

What an adventure! Sunday I flew up to visit with Mary Ellen (whom I haven't seen since our little reunion in June) and it's been a busy week! Early Monday morning we drove with her mom and sister to DC where we shopped till we dropped!

We had no problem navigating the subway system, and with our map, guidebook, and fanny-packs we fit right in!

Joe Biden offered to take the picture for us so we could have one of us together, thanks Joe, you still owe us those drinks you promised!

Don't be fooled, you may think we are still in DC but we are actually in Baltimore, MD. While I was focusing the camera my ipod was being stolen by a 13 yr old sk8r boi. He was rocking out to some Jonas Brothers and looking a little too suspicious. We chased him down and gave him a few good kicks to the ribs before he finally gave it back. When we got back in the car, we realized my ipod was there all along... we hightailed it back to DC with sirens blaring the whole way.

We ate dinner at the white house, Michelle was such a great hostess! B-rock talked to the cops for us and got us off the hook and then Sasha showed us her American Girl Doll collection.

To make up for the altercation in Baltimore we were sent first class to Wiltshire to see Stonehenge. It was neat although there was an unfortunate incident involving Jada and a colossal furry caterpillar (the bugs in England are Land of the Lost or SyFy esque).

All in all, it's been a rather uneventful week in the lives of Allison Volek and Mary Ellen Moomaw.

Hey everybody,

I think I got back on Tuesday, and I've been resting/recovering ever since then. I think I took close 600 pictures. I didn't upload all of them but I've uploaded some of them to my picasa site here. I'm trying to help my dad and my uncle figure out how to use picasa so they can upload some of theirs too. They are both over 50, it may take them a while to figure it out.

It would probably take me a week to write a blog about everything I did in Peru, seriously. But I'll try to give you guys some ideas.

Cusco, the city that used to be the capitol of the Incas, was where we stayed most of the time. It's an absolutely beautiful city filled with cathedrals, some really good restaurants and bars, and some very cool people.

We took a train from Cusco through the Andes to a town called Aquas Calientes. The train ride could quite possibly be my favorite part of the trip, it was absolutely beautiful.

Aquas Calientes is a lot smaller than cusco, but I liked it a lot more as a place to live. It was just such a neat little community. Evereone felt safe, there were little kids and dogs everwhere, just running around at all hours of the night.

Then we went to Machu Picchu, the city in the clouds. It's really cool, and the only reason the Spanish didn't destroy it is because the never found it, thank gooodness. Really, if you go to Peru, you have to see this place. Espically if you like hiking, deadly cliffs, and tourist.

Then we went back to Cusco and stayed there for about 3 days. We did a lot of gift shopping and went to a lot of Museums, Cathedrals. There are a lot of VERY talented musicians living in Cusco who play in the bars at night, which was probably my other favorite part of the trip. I also got a chance to do some hiking to the top of the "mountain" that overlooks Cusco to do some stargazing.

Then we went to Lima, the new Capitol of Peru. It's just a huge city. We got to see the Catecombs underneath the San Francisco Cathedral. I've never seen so many bones. They think there were over 28,000 people buried there. We stayed there 2 nights. On the last day we went took boat to an island that was litterally covered with sea lions. The smell was bad, but it was worth it. Me and Toby were brave enough to jump in the freezing water to go swimming with them. I dont know if it was thermal shock or seasickness, but I almost didnt make it without puking once I got back on the boat.

There's a lot more to tell, but just ceck out the rest of the picturs. In other news, grad school starts next week :) How about everyone else? What are you guys up to?



Posted by James | Posted in | Posted on 5:13 PM

Hey everybody,

I'm finally done working in the garden and it feels great. Now, I'm getting ready to go on a trip to Peru for about a week with my Dad, my uncle and my uncle's friend. By getting ready, I mean I'm just beginning to realiz how much stuff I will be packing and buying at the last minute. I have gotten about hundred e-mails from everyone going on the trip discussing what we will be doing while were down there. Here is the proposed itinerary:

  • Arrive in Lima near midnight. Take first bus to Nazca.
  • Spend night of August 3 in Nazca. While there, take plane ride to see Nazca lines.
  • Leave Nazca on August 4 for Cuzco. Check out Cuzco and get better acclimated to altitude.
  • Spend nights of August 4 and 5th in Cuzco.
  • Leave Cuzco on August 6 for Machu Picchu.Spend night of August 6 at Machu Picchu.
  • Leave Machu Picchu for Cuzco on August 7. Spend night of August 7th in Cuzco.
  • Leave Cuzco on August 8th for Lima. Spend nights of August 8th and 9th in Lima.
  • Leave Lima on August 10th for Fla.
  • Arrive Nashville on August 11th.

It should be "very cultural" I'm really looking forward is seeing southern hemisphere stars for the first time. I think I'll be at a higher elevation than I've ever been, so the skies should be extra clear too. Maybe some of the aliens that built the Machu Picchu will come back for a visit while I'm there. I don't really know many of the other details of the trip, but it promises to be a very strange adventure judging by the e-mails. My uncle claims to be having strange dreams about "A BRIGHTLY RED-COMPLEXIONED INCA IN A HEADDRESS AND ARMOR" that sprinkles him with some kind of special water and transforms him into a young Incan god-king. Sounds like fun :)

Hopefully I'll have lots of pictures to share with you when I get back. I miss you all, and I hope your summers are going well.

Even Lord Vader has a Soft Spot for Harry Potter


Posted by Allison | Posted in | Posted on 9:26 PM

Ok all, so we went to go see Harry Potter the other night and it was a blast. I think it was my favorite movie so far just because of how many corny love scenes. Although that is why most people didn't like it.... oh well. As promised here are the pictures from that fateful night. Actually we all got interviewed by a news reporter there. He asked us really dumb questions like: do you think this is the last movie? Will there ever be a bad one? How long did you wait? (considering everyone there got their tickets online) It was entertaining to say the least!


This first picture is of Bermuda and Roger helping James try on his costume. It was made for ages 5-7 if you couldn't tell.


This second one is of Roger and James. I made Rogers cape and James cut up his costume so it didn't look like he was in spandex


The last one is of all three of us ready to go!


Here is us on national TV and after the segment the newscasters commented on James and Roger ROFL Oh man that was Rogers quote too!"Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince" Premieres

I miss you guys!


Posted by mem | Posted in | Posted on 6:20 PM

Sorry I've been slacking, it's not like I'm ultra busy or anything, just out of my internet routine.  I've officially moved into the lake house!  I like feeling like a grown up again, but it's a good half hour from the side of town that my family and everyone else I know lives on, so I feel pretty isolated.  And I REALLY despise driving right now; walking is one of the things I miss most about Cookeville.  Other than that not too much to report.  My roommate, (Elle) and I have opposite workout interests, as in she's really extreme.  Today we went to kettlebell class in the morning, spin class this evening, and we're going to run a mountain at 5:45 tomorrow morning.  One week of this madness is probably going to be all I can take, then I'm back to yoga, walking, and occasional runs.  Can't wait.  
 Only 16 weeks until Roger and Allison get married!!

Oh, and the two-headed pineapple doesn't have any significance, I just wanted to spice up our blog a little.  I really did see that though, 2 years ago, in Uganda, and I ate it.  : )

The Half Blood Prince


Posted by Roger | Posted in | Posted on 10:43 PM

Tomorrow night Allison, James, Matt, Lucy and I are going to go see the Half Blood Prince! It's gonna be freaking awesome! We are totally dressing up, still not really sure as what.... stay tuned for more details!



Posted by Allison | Posted in | Posted on 8:41 PM

So I joined a summer racquetball league that started last Thursday. I was a little nervous that it was going to be all old geezers that would kick my butt. There are only like 10 people in the league and they are mostly middle aged men with knee and back problems but there is one old woman that seems really hard core and one of the guys sons is a member, they are all really good though. So I played 2 games with this one guy (after months of not playing) and I lost, not surprising but I scored 2 points on him and then 5 the second game. I got a couple good shots in so I was happy. Then I played against a different guy and I scored 8 but still lost. Anyhow, I thought I did really well but as I was leaving they said I should take some lessons..... Oh well, at least I had fun! It meets every Thursday and I just hope I am recovered enough by then to do better. Oh and I totally experienced what Mary Ellen told us about with the guys that have like 30 gloves attached to their gear, is that really necessary? I thought she was just kidding when she said people did that!

In other news, I am finishing up my classes online, I am working on 2 dresses for my culminating project and I have 2 other classes that end a week after graduation... lame! But I am graduating in less than a month! Woohoo! I am super psyched. 

So now for the bad news, most of you guys met my beloved kitty Fonzie, some of you even had the pleasure of sleeping with him or sharing your water with him. Well a couple of weeks ago his kidneys started to fail so we took him to the vet and gave him tons of fluids, but to no avail. We had to put him to sleep because he was suffering and really had no hope of recovery. He was a cool cat and will be missed. 

So our blog is sort of lagging, no one except Jami seems to have anything decent to say, so we should get on that! Hope everyone is doing well, when does grad school start for everyone? Update!



Posted by Jami Couch | Posted in | Posted on 9:01 PM

Have any of you guys seen the movie Knowing with Nicholas Cage? It's pretty wild, you should see it...I'm not going to ruin the movie, it's really out there and borrows some biblical imagery and such. But yeah...go to red box and rent it. Then we can talk about it. It'll be awesome.



Posted by James | Posted in | Posted on 6:27 AM

I'm finally back from Arkansas/Memphis. I found some pictures from a couple of our shows. It rained like crazy during our show on the fourth; that was a lot of fun. Overall, it was fun, but I don't know if I want to do it again or not. Maybe they will let me just shoot Titans games. How was everyone's Fourth?



Posted by Jami Couch | Posted in | Posted on 12:24 PM

Guess what? I heard from Vanderbilt today...I got in! Woohoo!



Posted by Jami Couch | Posted in | Posted on 1:44 PM

So, back during our Cinco de Mayo festivities, I think I explained my philosophy of decision-making. Or, how it is that I think people arrive at their decisions. Briefly, I think that when faced with a choice, people unconsciously decide what to do immediately, and the conscious decision process is simply rationalizing it. Today, while reading Children of the Mind, one of the Ender books by Orson Scott Card, I figured out where I came up with that.
"Nobody's rational. We all act because we're sure of what we want, and we believe that the actions we perform will get us what we want, but we never know anything for sure, and so all our rationales are invented to justify what we were going to do anyway before we thought of any reasons."
I think that's more or less my jumping off point. Of course, you have to read in there that unconsciously we're sure of what we want. I'm sure all of us have had the "pleasure" of being consciously uncertain of what exactly that is-I know I have. And, believe it or not, this is actually a fairly foundational presupposition that I use to evaluate other people's actions and provide a framework for issues like free will vs. predestination, nature vs. nurture, etc. So, what do you think? Are the real decisions made unconsciously or is the conscious decision-making process more significant than simply rationalizing what we were going to do anyway?

Secession Week


Posted by Jami Couch | Posted in | Posted on 10:24 AM

So, in light of the upcoming Independence Day, it might be nice to reflect on the two secessionist crises in American history and the very different results of the two (that would be the "Revolutionary War" and the "Civil War"). Actually, Let A Thousand Nations Bloom is running a secession week talking about secession in general. It's pretty interesting should check it out.

Also, just out of curiosity, what are you guys' views on secession? Is it a justifiable course of action under any circumstances?

Nothing is going on! At least nothing terrible exciting. I haven't been climbing this week or anything! LAME Where is everyone?

Vanderbilt Interview


Posted by Jami Couch | Posted in | Posted on 10:43 AM

So, I had my interview(s) at Vanderbilt today for the Interdisciplinary Graduate Program in the Biological and Biomedical Sciences. It's a pretty cool program, you spend the first year in one big class with everyone and doing lab rotations to figure out what you want to specialize in. Then you choose an advisor and start thesis research after that, along with whatever classes are required for the particular program.

I talked to three different people. The first guy, Dr. Patton, is the director of the program. He basically gave me the details of what goes on the first year, the way the classes and rotations work and such. Then I talked to Dr. Osheroff about choosing lab rotations and such in general, and his research area specifically. His research is on DNA Topoisomerase II, which is involved in a whole bunch of DNA related functions and, apparently, is the most common target of chemotherapy drugs. Pretty interesting stuff. Finally, the assistant director, Dr. Grundy, interviewed me. Actually, that last one was the only part that really felt like a traditonal interview, with me mostly answering questions. Though I got to ask a couple, especially about what students generally find challenging about the program, especially just starting out, and stuff like that.

Overall, I think it went really well. It sounds like it's going to be tough, but rewarding. They claim that 85% of their students finish their degrees, which is excellent. So, they're going to confer with each other and let me know next week...I'm very optimistic.

Transformers 2


Posted by secretaddy | Posted in | Posted on 12:36 AM

So i went to see the midnight showing of transformers 2. Awesome movie, suggest that everyone see it. Good plot, comedy, plenty of action and megan fox is really hot in the movie. So go see it, also my summer is going well. Going to work at a camp up in new hampshire. And taking an online summer class.

An Eventful Day


Posted by Jami Couch | Posted in | Posted on 10:55 PM

So, today Allison was passing through Franklin on her way back to Alabama and stopped to eat lunch with me. We went to Blue Coast Burrito and had some tasty burritos. By the way, don't get the combo there, the chips are oily and have zero taste. Rookie mistake by me. Anyway, Bermuda tried to steal some little girl's Popsicle while we were eating, but she got away in time. So, that was a lot of fun - we need to try to get everybody together again before the end of the summer!

A little while later I went to see The Proposal with some friends. It was quite need to go see it immediately, it's hilarious. I was a little disappointed with the ending, but whatever. It has Oscar from The Office - his character is pretty entertaining. And stay for the credits, they show some funny clips of people answering questions in the INS office.

So yeah, good times. I'm also building a new computer to replace my's served me well for the past 4 years, but it's starting to die, I think. I ordered all the parts from newegg monday night, and they should arrive tomorrow, so that'll be exciting. Okay, good stuff.

6 Years


Posted by Roger | Posted in | Posted on 6:49 PM

So I saw this on YouTube the other day.
It's a video of a guy (Noah, who coincidently, did not build an ark.) that takes a picture of himself every day for 6 years. It sounded totally cool, so I watched it. Turns out, it's really freaking borring and uneventful. Anyway, so I thought it would be WAY cooler, if I did a similar video but instead of doing 6 years. I would do 3 days. and take a picture every minute.
So you would get to see all the cool signs of sleep deprivation and all the people in the background like Allison getting really pissed and annoyed that I am taking a picture every freaking 60 seconds.
What do you think?

Does food make you gay?


Posted by Allison | Posted in | Posted on 3:34 PM

So I am in this Sociology of Sex and Gender class that I thought was going to be a huge feminist class but the book we are reading is actually rather enlightening. There are a couple of things that have been brewing that I wanted to bring up in here so here goes :D (also the first one is hard to explain without reading the book so if I need to clarify, let me know)

First: The author brings up a really good point when it comes to gender associations. When we think of the word gender usually females come into mind, right? Does this mean that only women have a gender? Let me explain. "The very processes that confer privilege to one group and not another group are often invisible to those upon whom that privilege is conferred. What make us marginal or powerless are the processes we see. " I mean that when it comes to gender, race, class, and power, when we have the upper-hand that privilege is invisible to us. I'll try to clarify using an example from the book: the author overheard a debate between a black woman and a white woman. The black woman asked what the white one saw when she looked into a mirror, she responded that she saw a woman. The black lady said that's where the trouble is, that when she looks into the mirror she sees a black woman. The author (who is a middle-class white male) said when he looks into a mirror he sees a human being. *Is this making any more sense?* Being Caucasian has for a long been looked at as a superior feature, as has being male, so since white males have the "upper-hand," at least as far as society is concerned, they have no race or gender. Everyone else has to declare themselves if they are seen by society as inferior, like women for example. Look at email addresses, why is it that the US is the only country that doesn't have to put a country code at the end? We are considered a very powerful nation so why should we have to declare ourselves to anyone less powerful? 

My point is not be sexist or racist but more to get your minds turning about our invisible privileges. Thoughts?

Secondly (and in reference to the title of the post): Here is the quote according to evangelical preacher Jim Rutz:

"He argues that homosexuality is caused by insufficient amounts of the appropriate sex hormone and that therefore gay men are more 'feminine' than straight men. And, he claims, soy products, like tofu, contain large amounts of estrogen, so 'when you feed a baby soy formula, you're giving him or her the equivalent of five birth control pills a day.' Eating tofu can turn you gay. 'Soy is feminizing,' he claims, 'and commonly leads to a decrease in the size of the penis, sexual confusion and homosexuality.' This idea was recently translated into a commercial for Hummers, the ultimate compensation for insecure gender identity."

I thought everyone would find that amusing at least since our ongoing debate over vegetarianism. 



Posted by Jami Couch | Posted in | Posted on 6:35 PM

So, anyone have any bets on when the economy will turn around? I just read this article on Reason online, and it got me thinking about just how humorous these predictions can be. Since the best outcome of our guessing is generally a "post hoc, ergo propter hoc" fallacy anyway, I'm going to say that the economy will begin recovery within the year in spite of Congressional meddling. And, just for fun, I'll add that if Congress had done nothing the economy would already have recovered. That second part has the advantage of being plausible yet completely untestable. Thoughts?

This week in Jami


Posted by Jami Couch | Posted in | Posted on 10:32 AM

So, has anyone else seen "The Hangover"? I went to see it with some friends Tuesday afternoon. It was also dollar drink and popcorn night at the theater, so I got some cheap refreshments to go along with the matinee price. It's pretty ridiculous, but entertaining. It's worth seeing - maybe not in theaters since that's pricey, but definitely a redbox.

I also got to do some more tie dying on Monday night with my brothers & sister. Oddly enough, the Hobby Lobby here didn't have any shirts between youth medium and adult extra was very strange. Fortunately, Wal-mart came through for us...after I checked with Mary Ellen, of course, to make sure Wal-mart shirts are OK to tie dye.

I haven't heard anything back from Vandy yet about grad school...the longer it takes the more I think it's not going to work out for this fall. So, I went ahead and applied for a couple jobs in Nashville. Hopefully, I'll hear something next week. Hmm...I'll try to do something more entertaining next week so I have some good stories...

One good Reason


Posted by James | Posted in | Posted on 9:31 PM

Give me one good reason why this song isn't the greatest song ever...

And by one good reason, I mean a song you think is better.

Brain erasure article, thanks to Jami


Posted by mem | Posted in | Posted on 2:01 PM

I can't figure out how to make a cool link to this, but check this journal out you guys, I'm curious to hear what everybody thinks.  One of the most shocking aspects of the article for me was the fact that the author expresses a desire to erase his positive memories.   Even though he says it's for the sake of rediscovering them for the first time, if things are truly good they ought to stand the test of age.  I want all of my experiences and relationships to build on each other and mature; I would hate to remain in a perpetual state of infantility.  
Even my worst memories are valuable to me because of what I can learn.  Those memories prevent me, (or at least discourage me), from repeating mistakes.  
What do you think, would you guys selectively erase your memories?  Aside from personal preference, do you think there are any moral/ethical dilemmas associated with that?  


Posted by Allison | Posted in | Posted on 12:37 PM

Mary Ellen and I went about creating this blog like we promised in order for all of us to keep in touch between weddings and reunions. Feel free to post updates (and by feel free I mean you BETTER!!) and just general things going on in your lives or your heads. We've invited as many people as we had email addresses for but I think we got everyone covered!

Yesterday Mary Ellen and I went to an exciting fabric store in Fayetteville, TN and we were starving after all that shopping so we went to find a place to eat. The one we decided on didn't exist so we ended up working our way towards Lynchburg and found ourselves at the Jack Daniel's Distillery. It was a fun historical place on beautiful grounds. Only problem was the county it's in is dry!! So no free samples, lame!! But it was a fun, spontaneous trip anyways. Oh and our tour guide hated us...

Tonight we're going to see Land of the Lost and eating dinner at P.F. Changs, it'll be a great last night for her in the great state of Alabama (the Beautiful). We expect to hear from you guys on a regular basis, so get a move on! <3