Mandatory Status Update!

Posted by Roger | Posted in | Posted on 8:08 PM

I demand that all of you give me an account of your personal lives! STAT!

As for me, not too much going on, lots of work and planning for our honeymoon and stuff. James stopped by for the weekend. That was fun :D. Work is the same as usual but I might have to work overtime this week in order to appease the people at the top of the food chain.

On a note of general observation, FALL IS HERE! Allison and I are really excited about it, and have turned off the air conditioning and opened the windows in order to fully appreciate the weather. Also, does anyone know what happened to all the pumpkins!? Allison managed to scrounge up a few cans for us, but she had to wrestle an old lady to get them. I'm serious too, they were in a mud ring and everything, it was actually kinda creepy. I didn't even know that Publix had a mud pit. But hey, you learn something new every day.

Well, that's all I have for now, just a short how the heck are ya. So post up!

Comments (3)

Well duh, it was Kroger not PUBlix :p

Mandatory? Like I don't have enough mandatory things to do... jk

Yeah, so I'm in the third week of my first lab rotation, so far I'm really enjoying it. Although, I did manage to screw something up and ended up staying in the lab until 9:30 last Friday. But hey, that happens sometimes. We got our first test back finally. I think I did pretty well (above the average, which is what counts).
Hopefully I'll be able to get a flag football team together...if not, there is intramural racquetball. And...after losing in week 1, I'm 2-1 in our fantasy football league thanks to Chris Johnson and Peyton Manning.

That about sums it up right now :) I'm just trying to avoid school work as long as possible. I'm 1-2 in the fantasy football league, thanks to Chris Johnson and Peyton Manning.... Is anyone else excited about where the wild things are?

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