An Eventful Day

Posted by Jami Couch | Posted in | Posted on 10:55 PM

So, today Allison was passing through Franklin on her way back to Alabama and stopped to eat lunch with me. We went to Blue Coast Burrito and had some tasty burritos. By the way, don't get the combo there, the chips are oily and have zero taste. Rookie mistake by me. Anyway, Bermuda tried to steal some little girl's Popsicle while we were eating, but she got away in time. So, that was a lot of fun - we need to try to get everybody together again before the end of the summer!

A little while later I went to see The Proposal with some friends. It was quite need to go see it immediately, it's hilarious. I was a little disappointed with the ending, but whatever. It has Oscar from The Office - his character is pretty entertaining. And stay for the credits, they show some funny clips of people answering questions in the INS office.

So yeah, good times. I'm also building a new computer to replace my's served me well for the past 4 years, but it's starting to die, I think. I ordered all the parts from newegg monday night, and they should arrive tomorrow, so that'll be exciting. Okay, good stuff.

Comments (4)

Dude, that little girl was taunting Bermuda....

Awesome! Except for going to see the movie "The Proposal" not sure about that one.
What kind of pc did you put together!?

It freaking rocks...

Core 2 Quad 2.83 GHz
8 GB DDR2 1033 SDRAM
896MB GeForce GTX 260

...long story short, it eats small children. It was a lot of fun to assemble, also.

Totally went from 5-10 fps in AA3 on my old laptop to 60 at the highest graphics's awesome.


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