I miss you guys!

Posted by mem | Posted in | Posted on 6:20 PM

Sorry I've been slacking, it's not like I'm ultra busy or anything, just out of my internet routine.  I've officially moved into the lake house!  I like feeling like a grown up again, but it's a good half hour from the side of town that my family and everyone else I know lives on, so I feel pretty isolated.  And I REALLY despise driving right now; walking is one of the things I miss most about Cookeville.  Other than that not too much to report.  My roommate, (Elle) and I have opposite workout interests, as in she's really extreme.  Today we went to kettlebell class in the morning, spin class this evening, and we're going to run a mountain at 5:45 tomorrow morning.  One week of this madness is probably going to be all I can take, then I'm back to yoga, walking, and occasional runs.  Can't wait.  
 Only 16 weeks until Roger and Allison get married!!

Oh, and the two-headed pineapple doesn't have any significance, I just wanted to spice up our blog a little.  I really did see that though, 2 years ago, in Uganda, and I ate it.  : )

Comments (1)

Hehe, you are such a goof Mary Ellen! I miss you and everyone else too! I can't wait to see everyone at my wedding... well among other cool things going on that day.

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